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It is among the best courses in Biological Sciences in the country. Maximum grade in Enade and 5-star courses by the Quero Educação Guide
Our graduate programs have professors who are nationally and internationally recognized in their areas of research, and offer masters, doctoral and professional master's courses.
With research published in the best periodics, our researchers have effectively collaborated with the development of the biological sciences.
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Agenda IB

Andre Rinaldo Senna Garraffoni

Our research aims to study zoological taxa, such as Gastrotricha, Tardigrada, Kinorhyncha and Rotifera (also know as lesser-known protostome taxa) in oder to better understand the distinct evolutionary and biogeographical aspects of these freshwater and marine meiofauna organisms. Our ideia is integrate the distinct dimensions of meiofauna biodiversity - genetics, function, and phylogeny -based on in a broad framework that permits us to explore taxonomy, biogeography, molecular biology and evolutionary history

Helena Coutinho Franco de Oliveira

We have focused on the role of plasma lipoprotein metabolism and associated proteins particularly relevant for the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity. Hormonal, nutritional and pharmacological regulation of key proteins involved in the metabolism of plasma lipoproteins are investigated with the goal of elucidating molecular mechanisms and putative therapeutic targets for cardio-metabolic disturbances. Scientific contributions have been made concerning the understanding of CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein) gene expression and its effects regarding atherosclerosis susceptibility and possible new functions of this protein (Oliveira HCF, Raposo HF. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020). Together with Anibal Vercesi group, we have demonstrated that mitochondrial bioenergetic function and redox state alterations are present in hyperlipidemic states that predispose to atherosclerosis (Oliveira HCF, Vercesi AE.Mol Aspects Med. 2020)

Marcelo Carnier Dornelas

In the past our group has shown the conservation of the LEAFY gene function and expression patterns during vegetative-to-reproductive transition in tropical tree species. More recently we have been interested on the role of MADS-box genes in defining floral organ morphology and size, using Arabidopsis and passionfruit as models. Current work in our group focus on the molecular networks controlling plant development, taking into account the influences of genomic evolution and the effects of hormones such as auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins. Besides still being concentrated in studying gene function and expression patterns during vegetative-to-reproductive transition, we recently enlarged our interests into floral organ development and evolution as well as tropical fruit development.