It is among the best courses in Biological Sciences in the country. Maximum grade in Enade and 5-star courses by the Quero Educação Guide
Our graduate programs have professors who are nationally and internationally recognized in their areas of research, and offer masters, doctoral and professional master's courses.
With research published in the best periodics, our researchers have effectively collaborated with the development of the biological sciences.
Discover our extension courses and services offered by our laboratories and researchers.
Agenda IB
Fernanda Ramos Gadelha
The research activities undertaken at our laboratory aim to study the Biochemistry of trypanosomatids, especially Trypanosoma cruzi, with emphasis on their bioenergetics and antioxidant mechanisms. We also test potential compounds to develop a more specific and less toxic therapy for Chagas disease.
Dora Maria Grassi Kassisse
The Stress Study Laboratory (LABEEST) studies the stress response by quantifying stress markers as well as their effect on cardiac and metabolic responses in animal models.
Selma Giorgio
Expertise Parasitology, with emphasis on Protozoology, studies the following subjects: Leishmania, macrophages and infection models.