Meeting - March, 2024     Keystone Symposia - Novato, Califórnia, USA - March, 2024 Dr. Davel and Dr. Nicholas S. Kirby (Imperial College, UK) participated in the "Vascular Crosstalk and Mechanics" session. PhD Student Leticia also attended the event and presented her latest data.   PhD Thesis Defense: Israelle Netto Freitas. December/2023   Our graduation student Guilherme Alves presented the work developed with Professor Maria Andréia Delbin orientation in the I Congresso Interdisciplinar de Ciência e Cultura (UNICAMP). The presentation received an honorable mention. December/2023 
Our team - November/2023   Participation of Juliana Quinholi Rocha, pharmacy student, in the XXXI Congresso de Iniciação Científica (UNICAMP) with presentation of the work developed under the orientation of Professor Ana Paula Davel. October/2023   LaBiVasc attended the XXXVII FeSBE Annual Meeting that took place in Búzios-RJ. August/ 2023.   LaBiVasc participated in the online edition of the Simpósio de Biologia Vascular. Our PhD student Israelle Netto Freitas received an important award for her great work! - June/2023   Professor Ana Paula Davel and PhD student Israelle Freitas attended "American Physiology Society Conference", #aps2023, an event held in the city of Long Beach in the state of California/USA - April 2023 
Masters Thesis Defense: Geiza Bobato - March/2023   XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Fisiologia Cardiovascular - March/2023 Msc. Geiza Bobato received an award for her outstanding reaserah work and presentation. 
Online Lab meeting in 2020- "The new normal" |