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Agenda IB

Patricia Jacqueline Thyssen

Biology, ecology and taxonomy of Diptera and Coleoptera of forensic importance. Larval therapy. Insect vectors and pests.

Dora Maria Grassi Kassisse

The Stress Study Laboratory (LABEEST) studies the stress response by quantifying stress markers as well as their effect on cardiac and metabolic responses in animal models.

Clarisse Palma da Silva

Bachelor's at Biological Sciences from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2000), master's at Genetics and Molecular Biology from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2003) and PhD at Genetics and Molecular Biology from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2008). Post-doc at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens and UFRJ. I am a Professor at UNICAMP, Department of Plant Biology. I am Head of the Evolutionary Ecology and Genomics Laboratory. I am mainly interested in studing Evolutionary Biology of Neotropical Plants. My main research projects are focus on molecular ecology, evolutionary biology, conservation genetics, population genetics and genomics, evolutionary genomics and transcriptomics; phylogeography and reproductive biology.