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MDBio - Área Zoologia
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FNJV – Service Request
Applicant information
Note: if you are part of a company or a public/private institution (such as a museum or a development foundation), fill in this field with the information about those institutions. If the services are for your personal use, complete this with personal data (including full name, passport number, etc.)
Team responsible for the project
Individuals that are directly related to this request and are going to use the sound and/or video files granted by FNJV.
Professional address
Post code (or zip code)
E-mail address
Telephone number
Country code (area code) number. Example: +55(19)3521-6313
Context (project) in which will use the services provided by FNJV
What do you need from us? Describe with as much detail as possible the context (project) in which will use the services provided by FNJV. For projects involving the purchase of sound and/or files digitized and identified (with or without edition) it is necessary to describe all works that will be produced, means of marketing, distribution and dissemination.
Is the request related to commercial use?
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The direct use of sound and/or video files provided by FNJV through this request is going to be cause for any kind of payment? Includes, for example, exhibition entrance fees, production of media (CDs, DVDs, Movies, etc.), use of radio broadcast or television.
Type of service required
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Digitization of sound files
Organizing and maintaining of tapes
Identification of animal species based on sound or audiovisual recordings
Sound analysis/sonograms
Purchase of sound files digitized and identified, without edition
Purchase of sound files digitized and identified, with edition
Purchase of video files belonging to FNJV's collection
Development of software dedicated to bioacoustics
I have read and agree with the “Conditions for service requests and use of sound and video files granted by FNJV”
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Conditions for service requests and use of sound and video files granted by FNJV
Questão de Matemática
6 + 5 =
Resolva este problema matemático simples e digite o resultado. Por exemplo para 1+3, digite 4.
Esta questão é para verificar se você é ou não um visitante humano e prevenir submissões automáticas de spam.