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Request of audiovisual files

Conditions for requesting and using audiovisual files

The Audiovisual Collections sounds, photos, and video files may be requested by researchers from universities, museums, and other research institutions. In the case of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, the request should be made by a supervisor. Please, access the website or SpeciesLink to consult our collection and requested files catalog numbers. The request form should be filled with as much detail as possible and it will be evaluated by our curators. All audiovisual files are going to be sent through a cloud sharing link (Dropbox or Google Drive). This link stays available for 7 days, to download the files. Any sound, photo, and/or video provided must not be used for commercial purposes, environmental impact studies, or any lucrative activity. It is important to cite catalog numbers in scientific and non-scientific publications using files granted by the Audiovisual Collection (read more about this in The value of audiovisual archives).

For operational reasons, we will temporarily not be able to process requests with more than 200 files.

Full name. For undergraduate students, graduate and postdoctoral, the request must be filled by the supervisor.
Full name. Undergraduate student, graduate student or postdoc conducting the research project.
Full name of the applicant’s /supervisor’s research institution.
Professional address (applicant/supervisor)
+country code (area code) number
Cite which species (or family, order, class) of the sound and/or video files will be requested through this form. Example: Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae: Hypsiboas leptolineatus; Birds: Psittaciformes: Psittacidae: Ara ararauna.
Cite all catalog number(s) of sound, photos, and/or video file(s) that you want to order - visit our website. Example: FNJV 12249-12256; 12588.
Audiovisual Collections are continuously growing and becoming more useful to academic and non-academic communities, by the contributions of collaborators who consult and use our sound, photo, and video libraries. In this regard, please, consider the possibility of donating any recording (related to the study described in this request or from any other source) to help us to improve our collections. For more information about deposits and donations, and conditions visit our webpage.
This information is important because it allows us to program ourselves to better assist you in the recordings donation process. Please, remember that your contribution/counterpart is very important for the growth and maintenance of our Audiovisual Collections!
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