Agenda IB
Paulo Mazzafera
Paulo Mazzafera graduated in Agronomy (1982) and obtained his Ph.D. at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), where he holds a Full Professorship position in Plant Physiology. Crop productivity and secondary metabolism are the focus of his research, mainly on coffee, sugarcane, and eucalyptus. He also investigates the responses of plants to low P and how plants positively respond to biostimulant molecules, with a particular interest in root growth and P acquisition. Mazzafera has published over 200 papers and has been the editor of several journals. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Science of São Paulo Academy of Sciences.
Elaine Minatel
Leader of the Muscular Plasticity research group, developing works that evaluate the morphofunctional and molecular aspects, and behavior of skeletal muscle fibers 'in vitro and in vivo' under various experimental conditions, using histochemical, biochemical, immunofluorescence and molecular biology.
Andre Rinaldo Senna Garraffoni
Our research aims to study zoological taxa, such as Gastrotricha, Tardigrada, Kinorhyncha and Rotifera (also know as lesser-known protostome taxa) in oder to better understand the distinct evolutionary and biogeographical aspects of these freshwater and marine meiofauna organisms. Our ideia is integrate the distinct dimensions of meiofauna biodiversity - genetics, function, and phylogeny -based on in a broad framework that permits us to explore taxonomy, biogeography, molecular biology and evolutionary history